Installing on Linux:

  • Open a terminal and run sudo apt update
  • Install the Docker container: sudo apt install
  • Create a folder where the FITS files will be placed: mkdir /home/<username>/fits
  • Copy the FITS files you want to reduce to this folder.
  • On your local machine run the following in a terminal: xhost +
  • Run the Docker container (in sudo) with the command: docker run --name pysalt9 -v /home/<username>/fits:/home/pysalt --env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --privileged --volume $XAUTH:/root/.Xauthority --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --rm -it bash
  • This command is now in a bash script
  • Once in the Docker container change directory /pysalt: cd /pysalt
  • Launch PyRAF and then the PySALT package.

Installing on Mac OS:

  • Install XQuartz
  • Allow the following connections via tcp and in the XQuartz

  • Run the following in a terminal: xhost +
  • Download and install the Mac version of the PySALT container
  • Run the PySALT bash script in the terminal
  • Once in the Docker container change to directory /pysalt: cd /pysalt
  • Launch PyRAF and then the PySALT package